Today marks the final day of the Festival of Lights.
Over the last seven nights, people around the world have celebrated Hanukah by lighting candles. Each night, the menorah’s light grows a bit brighter.
Though Hanukah begins with the lighting of a single candle, other flames soon join the light, increasing its warmth and extending its reach.
Hanukah is a holiday of miracles. While it is a miracle that flame illuminates the night, the greater miracle is that we participate in this illumination. We get to light a candle and extend its reach.
One small act of kindness, generosity, or compassion may seem small when held up to the world’s needs. It’s tempting to believe that one person’s actions don’t make a difference. Yet it only takes a single candle to brighten the night. The darkness cannot stamp out light, no matter how small it is.
This holiday, you can be that light in your community. You can nourish your neighbors and provide healthy food to families who need it most. You can add to the illumination and extend light’s reach.
Give today to feed 400 families who need it most!